Basic Firearms Safety Course
The Falmouth Rod & Gun Club (FRGC) offers a Basic Firearms Safety Class that satisfies the Massachusetts State Police requirements to obtain a license to carry (LTC) a firearm. The firearms safety class will be offered on an as needed basis.

If you would like to register for a class, please send an email to the following email address: frgbpsafety@yahoo.com

In the email please provide the following: 1. your full name, 2. mailing address, and 3. phone number

. An instructor will contact you to set up a class. The class will last 4 hours with an optional firing segment where the student will have the opportunity to fire several different types of pistols at the FRGC indoor range.
The FRGC will furnish all safety equipment, firearms, and ammunition for this optional segment.
No personal firearms will be permitted either at the class or at the firing range.

The cost for attending the class is $100 per person for non-club members and $50 per person for club members and their immediate family members (spouse or child.)

Basic hunter safety courses offered by the state can be found here